Winning Child Custody Strategy Guide 2025

How to Win Child Custody

The Definitive Strategy Guide
to Winning Custody

By Steven Carlson, The Custody Coach®

Proven Strategies that can Win You Custody and Save You Thousands in Attorney Costs!

Overcome the learning curve that can cost you a fortune and even your children! How to Win Child Custody - Proven Strategies that can Win You Custody and Save You Thousands in Attorney Costs! is a proven strategy guide that you can download immediately! It has undergone years of testing with actual cases producing amazing results. For the first time ever Child Custody Coach® is proud to make available this unique breakthrough child custody strategy guide, which can help you enhance your custody case and increase your chance at a winning child custody arrangement! It is usable in all 50 States!
Immediate E-Book Download (100 pages) - Only $49.95!

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Date: Friday, February 7th, 2025
To: All Concerned Parents Facing Child Custody and the Family Courts
From: Steven Carlson, The Custody Coach®, Child Custody Coach® Founder
Subject: How to Win Child Custody - Strategy Guide to Winning Custody
How to Win Child Custody E-Book - Help to Win Child Custody Case

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"I have perused Steve Carlson's E-Book "How to Win Child Custody." It is well-written, timely and chock-full of great information for everyone from the lay child custody litigant, to pro se'er, to experienced attorney and to parenting coordinator. While it is mainly geared toward California law much of Steve's advice does apply to all 50 states. I highly recommend it. Too bad it wasn't written 20 years ago when I was going through my own contentious custody battle."

Dean Tong, MSc., Forensic Trial Consultant, Published Author

"When traveling the rapids of family law court, educating yourself is the best strategy available. How to Win Child Custody will enhance a positive outcome in a family law child custody case. This practical guide is loaded with valuable information that anyone involved in family law court needs. How to Win Child Custody will save money and more importantly help parents achieve their goal of how to successfully share their children."

Jayne A. Major, Ph.D., Parenting Education Expert, Published Author
Breakthrough Parenting Services Inc.

"This is the most comprehensive child custody book for laymen out there. Steve does a great job analyzing a custody case strictly from a legal perspective, and is incredibly thorough. I am a practicing family law attorney in Los Angeles. I only wish other family attorneys and litigants would read Steve's book - it would make my job easier. He knows more than most attorneys. This is definitely an essential buy."

Kelly Chang Rickert, Attorney at Law, California State Bar Certified Family Law Specialist, Family Law Attorney, Divorce Mediator
Los Angeles, California

"The 'How to Win Child Custody' book by Steve Carlson is an excellent, practical guide to divorce and custody issues that would serve any parent well. Affordable and well-written, it would be a valuable tool at twice the price. 'Highly Recommended'"

SPARC - Separated Parenting Access & Resource Center

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Dear Concerned Parent and Friend,

Are you contemplating divorce or separation but are unsure about how child custody will be determined or what you can likely expect from attorneys, the family court system, and/or a judge? Is it possible that your ex will falsely accuse you of child abuse, falsely accuse you of domestic violence, intentionally involve Child Protective Services or CPS without good cause, frustrate your contact with your child, relocate or move-away with your child, or coach your child in order to alienate you from your child to gain the upper hand in the family court?

"A practical, up-to-date resource for divorced parents who want to remain actively involved in their children's lives. Fathers and daughters will inevitably benefit from Mr. Carlson's clear headed, insightful guidebook."

Linda Nielsen, Ph.D., Professor of Women's Studies and Adolescent Psychology at Wake Forest University, President of American Coalition for Fathers & Children (ACFC), Doctorate in Educational and Adolescent Psychology, Counselor, Published Author

Are you uncertain how to properly interview and utilize an attorney such as how to ask the right questions to know you are hiring the right attorney for your child custody case? Do you feel like your attorney is not keeping you informed and withholding important information from you? Is it possible your attorney cares more about billing you than winning your case for you? Have you had a bad experience previously with an attorney or feel your attorney is trying to sell you a bill of good and/or inflate your bill?

"This is a very well written and well organized primer for parents dealing with a contested child custody case. The book should provide parents with the information they need to become familiar with the entire process and to make informed choices as they progress through their case."

Amy J. L. Baker, Ph.D., Researcher, Published Author, PAS Expert
Ph.D. in developmental psychology from Teachers College of Columbia University, Director of Research, 45+ Peer-Reviewed Publications

This E-Book will let you in on the biggest breakthroughs that attorney's rarely inform their clients about, which can have a substantial impact on child custody determinations today with the potential to get you a better child custody result! There are things you can be doing right now to better strengthen your case and there are things you must know, which can help you win custody or prevent you from losing custody of your child.

"I didn't know how valuable your services would prove to be for me not only emotionally but also in helping me turn my case around. I am now enjoying 50% custody of my daughter on an every other week basis."

Eric - Los Angeles, California

There are some things you must do to help you determine where you stand and what you can likely expect in the family court with respect to child custody and visitation such as: How to prepare and how to plan your child custody case. How to determine which path will likely get you the best custodial arrangement and which will not. When to negotiate settlements out of court and when to proceed to trial. What factors the judges tend to look for. These are all things you can do and learn on your own.

"I can't tell you enough how a phone call by a person that isn't a Lawyer can help so much. If I ever have any friends in my position, and I hope I don't Steven is the one I will put them in touch with, even before an Attorney."

Richard Smith - Lorain County, Ohio

The information and strategies in this material can be applied to initial custody determinations, post-judgment modifications or modifications to existing child custody orders, stipulated agreements, and child custody modifications based on the best interest of the child standard or based on a material change of circumstance. The information is helpful to grandparents concerned about their children or grandchildren, stepparents, family, friends, and parents dealing with child custody issues. These child custody strategies can help you win or defend child custody and are applicable in all 50 states.
"Thank you, that was a fantastic response, I can’t believe it, your book is excellent but your service to my problem was fantastic, I really appreciate it."

Dean - Sydney, Australia

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Avoid Costly Mistakes
Parents who rely solely on their attorney to come through for them on his/her child custody matter will often end up extremely disappointed. Attorneys generally have numerous cases at a time and their primary interest is often to make money. To make money and pay the overhead that is often associated with a law firm it requires numerous client retainers and regular billing. Attorneys can unnecessarily drag out cases or lead their clients down a lengthy path only to end up absolutely nowhere and in some cases custody can even be put at risk and in some cases lost. Do not let this be you! Attorneys are simply a "hired gun," or a tool, and must be used properly in order to be effective for your case. Learn how to use your attorney or you may be a victim of them using you!
Table of Contents
"After my divorce I was stuck with only seeing my kids every other weekend, plus summer vacations. Several years after the fact, once I got back on my feet, I decided to initiate post-judgment action against my ex-wife, to essentially get my kids back. I hired Steve, and through his recommendations I immediately saw results. In March '04 I started my case, and in August of the same year I had my kids back. I highly recommend his services to any Dad who feels he is getting the short end of the stick when it comes to divorce and custody."

MB - Irvine, California

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What's Included
How to get help to win child custody case. Below is a partial list of what is included in "How to Win Child Custody." A 100-Page immediately downloadable strategy guide!

Child custody for fathers (fathers rights) and child custody for mothers (mothers rights). Overcome the family court gender bias with information and proven strategies to enhance your child custody case. Learn how to level the playing field despite your gender.

Child custody grandparents. Every state has enacted laws to address grandparents rights to visitation and custody. Information and strategies in this book will help you too!

Documentation in child custody cases. How to properly document, plan, and prepare for your child custody case. Empower yourself with knowledge and information.

How to properly control, guide, and manage your child custody case.

How to self-assess your situation so you can better determine the right plan and course of action to maximize your custodial timeshare. Do not rely solely on an attorney.

How to gather and organize relevant information and details pertaining to your child custody case. Know more and worry less.

Child custody questions. Answers to most frequently asked child custody questions.

Types of child custody. Learn the various types of child custody orders and custody agreements and the impact each may have on your current and future child custody case.

Top child custody factors and common allegations. Reduce uncertainty by knowing.

About attorney billing disputes and requesting attorney fees from the opposing party. How to reduce your attorney costs.

What you need to do to find the right divorce attorney or child custody lawyer.

How to properly interview family law attorneys so you know he/she is the right for you.

Things you can implement immediately to strengthen your child custody case and position yourself for a more favorable custody arrangement. Leave no stone unturned.

Strategies that can get you the child custody arrangement you want or even better.

Information attorney's wish you did not know that can reduce litigation costs and attorney fees and increase your chance of winning child custody.

The most important strategy, which judges do not want you to know and attorney's rarely ever disclose. Simple, legal, and can impact the outcome of your case!

13 bonus attachments added to the Appendices! Parenting plan worksheet, sample parenting plans, shared parenting assessment, parenting tips, primary caretaker checklist, child custody papers, worksheets, examples, and more.
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"Child Custody Coach's services far exceeded my expectations! With Steve's help, I managed to get 40% time share with my young 14-month old son despite a long distance between residences. I definitely could not have done it without Steve's help..."

Brad - Huntington Beach, CA

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No Risk to You -- 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
I am so confident that the material and strategies in How to Win Child Custody will help you step-by-step better prepare and plan for your child custody case, better position you for child custody, reduce your attorney fees and costs, and increase your chances at a winning child custody result that I am offering a 30-day money back guarantee if you are not 100% completely satisfied with my material! There is absolutely no risk to you!
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"I've spent tens of thousands on attorneys but Steven Carlson 'The Custody Coach' is the best money I have spent since my divorce began. The knowledge and insight he has is priceless. The advice and direction he gave me was invaluable."

Dennis Hearne - Oak Hills, California

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BONUS: Order now and The Child Custody QRP will be INCLUDED FREE! The Child Custody Quick Reference Printout (QRP) summarizes the key points and strategies to help quickly and effectively guide you as you plan your case. You'll want to print this out immediately and begin filling out as you read the E-Book. These same step-by-step strategies and preparation concepts are used to help parents obtain 50/50 custody arrangements and sole custody arrangements. There are 13 bonus documents in the "Appendices" section, which includes forms, a checklist, sample forms, templates, all of which were developed and used in The Custody Coach's coaching practice today!

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You can get your copy of How to Win Child Custody for only $49.95. This price is subject to change and is not guaranteed to stay this low the next time you visit this site. Don't miss this opportunity to be informed first and learn these important strategies now. The cost is less than what attorneys charge for less than 15 minutes of their time! Further, you will learn how to properly utilize your attorney so you can reduce your attorney costs! The bottom line is this material has the potential to impact the results of your child custody case, which can change your relationship with your child and the amount of time you get to spend with him/her! Why wait? I'm offering a 30-day satisfaction guarantee! Order now and Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed or Your Money Back!

Normally $147
Only $49.95!

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee
30-Day "Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee

You will be more confident and feel much better knowing you are in control of your case when you are prepared and informed. Empower yourself by taking action now and do not rely solely on an attorney! Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied in any way, let me know within 30 days and I will gladly refund 100% of your money.

Why would I make such a guarantee? I am not worried about refunds because I know the value of the material. I have been where you are and could only wish that this information and these strategies were available to me. Over the past several years, these same strategies and information have been applied to actual cases and have helped countless parents. In fact, once you read this material, I am confident you will not want to give it back!
Steven Carlson, The Custody Coach®
Child Custody Coach® Founder

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P.S. - Whether you are just contemplating divorce or separation or whether your child custody matter is pending in the family court right now, you owe it to yourself and your children to take action and fully prepare yourself for child custody.

P.P.S. - Remember, everything you do right now has the potential to either help your child custody case or hurt your child custody case. It is much easier to win the child custody arrangement you want the first time around rather than to attempt to modify it later. Please do not allow yourself to be another parent who writes me stating, "I wish I would have found your information sooner." You are in control and have the power to download this information right now!

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Listen to What More
Parents Have to Say...

"Child Custody Coach is a must read for any parent involved in a divorce involving children...I found the information about attorneys to be very enlightening and have found thru very painful and expensive experience all this to be so true. If you ever felt your attorney was not telling you the "whole" story, Steven will enlighten you...I have found Steven's coaching and knowledge of the legal system to be invaluable..."

Kathie L. - OR

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"Steven, I have been meaning to drop you a note of Thanks. I got your product in April reviewed it front to back many times to get comfortable enough to apply it to my court case in August 2009. There is no doubt doing this allowed me to focus on the facts and make a clear plan for the trial...Having your advance knowledge it allowed me to provide my attorney good information and me following right along. Sometimes I felt so empowered to be prepared for anything. So how did I do? I Won! I Won! Everything I wanted...Joint custody, Residential custody for school purposes and no child support as we are 50/50 split...Having your information I felt educated, confident and less stressed. The E book worked so well for me. Thanks again. Feel free to send me a signed picture as you are my new hero......:)"

Dominic Merante - New York

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"As a layperson and devoted parent, being blind sided with a custody case, has been the most overwhelming, helpless feeling of my life. I highly recommend, before hiring any representation, to buy Steve Carlson's "How To Win Child Custody". This book guarantees to be the best investment you will make to gain knowledge of the necessary steps to take in order to begin the process logically and with knowledge. This book will definitely save you time, money and frustration, as it speaks in laymen's terms and will define so much information that your attorney will never explain. When I purchased the book, and started reading the first chapter, I felt like a light bulb went off and that finally someone understood the frustration I was going through and finally had sound, direct, advice on how to proceed step by step.

In addition, Steve's extensive experience with attorneys, and evaluators makes his coaching invaluable for thorough case preparation. Between his experience, knowledge, and genuine sincerity, Steve has made a huge impression on restoring my faith in anyone involved in the legal field. What a great service, Steve! Thank You"

Anne - Los Angeles, California
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